New issue has been published - Golden Light Publishing ® | Trabzon

New issue has been published

The new issue of JSEAM has been published. This issue contains the following articles:

Hernán Martín Hernández Morales

Modelling lead-rubber seismic isolation bearings using the unified mechanics theory............ 213

Research Article

Alper Karadis, Kabil Cetin, Taha Yasin Altıok, Ali Demir

Investigation bending behaviors of the slabs with glass fiber reinforced polymer

composite and steel bars..................................................................................................... 227

Research Article

Mehmet Fatih Şahan, Fatih Ali Öncel, İsmail Ünsal

Effect of fiber ratio on the impact behavior of polypropylene fiber reinforced samples........... 239

Research Article

Erdal Öner

Computational contact mechanics for a medium consisting of functionally graded

material coating and orthotropic substrate............................................................................ 249

Research Article

Mohammed A. Hjaji, Hasan M. Nagiar, Moftah M. Krar , Ezedine G. Allaboudi

Exact finite beam element for open thin walled doubly symmetric members under

torsional and warping moments.......................................................................................... 267

Research Article

You can reach them via Journal of Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics - Volume 4 - Issue 4

Date: 03-01-2022

Viewed: 1008